Economic Inequalities

Οικονομικές Ανισότητες

Papastamou, S., Chryssochoou, X., Pavlopoulos, V., Prodromitis, G., Poeschl, G., Mari, S., Valentim, J. P., Volpato, C., Marchand, P., & Ratinaud, P. (2018). Attributing and managing the crisis: Lay representations in three European countries. International Review of Social Psychology, 31(1), Article 3.

Petkanopoulou, K., Sαnchez-Rodriguez, Α.,Willis, G., Chryssochoou, X., Rodrνguez-Bailσn, R. (2018) Two Countries in Crisis: Economic Inequality in the EU and Disidentification With Europe. In: A.K. Uscul, V. Benet-Martinez, M.S. Gobel and B. Mesquita (eds) special issue:Europe’s Culture(s): Negotiating Cultural Meanings, Values, and Identities in the European Context Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology, 49, (6), 888-906

Mari, S., Volpato, C., Papastamou, S., Chryssochoou, X., Prodromitis,G., & Pavlopoulos V. (2017) How Political Orientation and Vulnerability Shape Representations of the Economic Crisis in Greece and Italy. International Review of Social Psychology, 30(1), 52-67. DOI:

Poeschl, G., Valentim, J., Papastamou, S., Chryssochoou, X., Prodromitis, G., Pavlopoulos, V., Mari, S. & Volpato, C. (2017). Predictors of the Perceived Efficacy of Actions against Austerity Measures. International Review of Social Psychology, 30(1), 41-51, DOI:

Prodromitis, G., Chryssochoou, X. & Papastamou, S. (2017). Accepting Austerity or Grexit? Predicting Acceptance of Crisis Solution Strategies from People’s image of the Greece-Eu Relationship, their own Position and Norms of Justice. International Review of Social Psychology, 30(1), 68-79, DOI:

Chryssochoou, X. Papastamou, S. and Prodromitis,G. (2013) Facing the Economic Crisis in Greece: The Effects of Grievances, Real and perceived Vulnerability, and Emotions Towards the Crisis on Reactions to Austerity Measures. Journal of Social Sciences Education, 12, (1) 41-49

Durante, F., Fiske, S. T., Kervyn, N., Cuddy, A. J. C., Akande, A., Adetoun, B. E., Adewuyi, M. F., Tserere, M. M., Ramiah, A. A., Mastor, K. A., Barlow, F. K., Bonn, G., Tafarodi, R. W., Bosak, J., Cairns, E., Doherty, C., Capozza, D., Chandran, A., Chryssochoou, X., Iatridis, T., Contreras, J. M., Costa-Lopes, R., González, R., Lewis, J. I., Tushabe, G., Leyens, J.-P., Mayorga, R., Rouhana, N. N., Castro, V. S., Perez, R., Rodríguez-Bailón, R., Moya, M., Morales Marente, E., Palacios Gálvez, M., Sibley, C. G., Asbrock, F. and Storari, C. C. (2012), Nations' income inequality predicts ambivalence in stereotype content: How societies mind the gap. British Journal of Social Psychology. doi: 10.1111/bjso.12005


Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences

136 Syngrou Av., Athens 176 71 Greece

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