Political Participation (Research)

Political participation is a core research issue of the Laboratory of Social and Political Psychology that transcends all different aspects of our work. Interested readers could find how ideologies (conspiracy theories, populism, and extreme beliefs) influence political participation, or how identities impact on political participation. We have also work on immigrant political participation or political actions against immigration. Moreover, in the projects concerning inequalities the issue of political participation is a key aspect of the work done.
A particular strand concerning political participation is developed through the PhD of Mr Dimitris Barkas who is looking at both factors (variable-oriented approach) and profiles (person-oriented approach) that enable political participation.


The laboratory participates to the following European funded programs PI Prof. Alexandra Koronaiou

MYPLACE (Memory, Youth, Political Legacy and Civic Engagement), FP7-266831 (2010-2014), “Democracy and the shadows of totalitarianism and populism: the European experience”, 16 research institutions from 14 European countries, 14 stakeholder public institutions (museums, NGOs archive and documents centers).




Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences

136 Syngrou Av., Athens 176 71 Greece

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